Attractive benefit packages help recruit and retain top talent for your organization. isolved Benefit Services simplifies the increasingly complex benefits management process, helping you stay competitive and to be compliant with all laws & regulations. They can even help you save money in the process...
iSolved Benefit Services Descriptions
- COBRA Administration The COBRA law is now 30 years old, but many employers still do not fully understand what it means or what it requires them to do. With isolved Benefit Services, you will minimize the liability associated with and time spent administering COBRA.
- PREMIUM ONLY PLANS With a Premium Only Plan, or POP, Employees now can pay for their share of insurance premiums with PRE-TAX Income, which reduces their net-cost for this coverage. POP plans can also help employers save money on your Payroll Taxes.
- FSA Administration Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) are an employer‐sponsored benefit plan that allows employees to deduct money from their pay on a pre-tax basis. By offering an FSA, the employer saves money on payroll taxes and the employee saves FICA, Federal and State taxes.
- HSA - HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The isolved Benefit Services HSA is a full-featured spending and savings account with limited cash requirements and automatic roll over into market-driven mutual fund investment elections.
- HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNTS (HRAs)- are a major part of the growing trend toward greater consumer health care responsibility. An HRA, also known as a health reimbursement account, is an employer-funded medical reimbursement plan.
- FMLA Administration isolved Benefit Services relieves the burden of managing leaves of absence with its FMLA leave management solution.
- TRANSIT & PARKING REIMBURSEMENT PLANS help your employees cover commuting costs with pre-tax income. iSolved Benefit Services makes it easy to offer this benefit to your employees.
- DIRECT BILLING isolved Benefit Services relieves you of the burden of collecting insurance premiums when deducting from payroll is not an option. For example, retiree plans, FMLA, etc.
- NOTICE MAILINGS As an employer you are legally required to keep employees informed of their rights and responsibilities. iSolved Benefit Services has you covered with their notice mailings service.
- ACA PRINT & FILE Between tracking hours, ensuring that benefits are offered to those who are eligible, and printing/filing forms, many HR professionals spend hours working on ACA requirements to ensure compliance. iSolved Benefit Services can help.
- ERISA WRAP DOCUMENTS isolved Benefit Services ERISA Wrap Documents service ensures that your participants understand their benefit plans and help you maintain compliance with ERISA laws.
- HR LEGAL SERVICES Through a partnership with myHRcounsel, isolved Benefit Services provides their clients access to on-demand legal counsel for a low fixed monthly cost.
- POP/ERISA DOC GENERATOR Compiling and maintaining ERISA Wrap and POP documents is necessary to remain in compliance with federal laws and requirements.